The Toad Press International Chapbook Series publishes contemporary, exciting, beautiful, odd, and avant-garde chapbook-length translations of poetry and prose. Since 2021, Toad Press has been an imprint of Veliz Books.

We accept submissions of chapbook-length TRANSLATIONS for the International Chapbook Series each year between October 15 and December 31.

We accept online submissions only. Your submissions should include ~14-26 pages of poetry or prose, cover sheet with name and contact information, table of contents (if applicable), and acknowledgments page.

  • Toad Press publishes 1-3 chapbooks each year.
  • Chapbooks accepted for publication will appear the following Summer/Fall.
  • Payment is in copies only.
  • Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please do us the  courtesy of withdrawing your manuscript immediately if it is accepted  elsewhere.

Visit for full submission information and to review our FAQs


Looking to submit your full length literary translation or collection? Check out the Veliz Books submission guidelines for full-length manuscripts.


You can always purchase copies of Toad Press chapbooks here (choose one of the "purchase a chapbook" options below), or you can shop Toad Press chapbooks in the Veliz Books store.

Please select this option to purchase a species of least concern, poems by Maria Cyranowicz, translated by Małgorzata Myk.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, July 2024   

Maria Cyranowicz (b. 1974)—Polish poet, literary critic, literary events curator, teacher, and editor. In 1999 she received the prestigious Ludwik Fryde Award for Young Critics. Author of six books: neutralizacje (Biblioteka Frondy, 1997), i magii nacja (Zielona Sowa, 2001), piąty element to fiksja (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2004), psychodelicje (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2006), den.presja (Fundacja Mammal, 2009) and machinacje (Stowarzyszenie Wspólny Pokój, 2024). Co-editor of two anthologies: Gada !Zabić? Pa)n(tologia neolingwizmu (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2005, with Pawel Kozioł) and Solistki. Antologia poezji kobiet (1989-2009) (Staromiejski Dom Kultury, 2009, with Joanna Mueller and Justyna Radczyńska). Co-editor and contributor to art/literary magazines Meble and Wakat/Notoria. Her poems have also appeared in the following anthologies: Strefa wolna. Wiersze przeciwko nienawiści i homofobii (Outside the Box, 2019), Queer. Dezorientacje. Antologia Polskiej Literatury Queer. Eds. Alessandro Amenta, Tomasz Kaliściak, Błażej Warkocki (Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2021), and Świat Się Wiecznie Zaczyna. Antologia Juliana Przybosia. Ed. Uta Przyboś (WBPiCAK, 2022). Her poetry has been translated into English, Spanish, and Hungarian. She lives in Warsaw.

Małgorzata Myk (b. 1975)—Polish literary scholar and translator. She teaches at the University of Łódź in the Department of North American Literature and Culture. Author of the monograph Upping the Ante of the Real: Speculative Poetics of Leslie Scalapino (Peter Lang, 2019). The Kościuszko Foundation Fellow in 2017/18 (UCSD) and Fulbright Senior Award recipient in 2024/25 (University of Utah). Her translation of E. Tracy Grinnell’s poetry appeared in Odmiany Łapania Tchu: Pięć Amerykańskich Głosów (Variants of Catching Breath: Five American Voices), edited by Mark Tardi (Łódź: Dom Literatury 2022). Her translations of Maria Cyranowicz’s poetry into English appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation, periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics, AzonaL: Poetry in Translation, and ANMLY. She has recently translated Lisa Robertson’s The Weather, titled Pogoda (Kraków: LOKATOR, 2024). Her translation of Kevin Davies’s selected poems, titled Wczesna Muzyka Komputerowa, is forthcoming from Disastra Publishing. Her new translations of Maria Cyranowicz's poems are forthcoming from Litmus Press in Fall 2024 in Viscera: Eight Voices from Poland (ed. Mark Tardi). She lives in Warsaw.


Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!

The cover price of a species of least concern is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

Toad Press chapbooks are also available for purchase online at the Veliz Books store at 

Please select this option to purchase Hekate, poems by Anna Glazova, translated by Alex Niemi.

  Cover design: adapted from a botanical drawing of yellow wolfsbane from the NYPL Digital Collections
  Toad Press/Veliz Books, September 2023

Anna Glazova is a prominent poet, scholar, and a laureate of the Andrei Bely Prize.  She has published six books of poetry and received her PhD in German and  Comparative Literature at Northwestern University (USA). She translates  from German and English; among the authors she has translated are Franz  Kafka, Unica Zürn, Walter Benjamin, and Emily Dickinson. She lives in  Hamburg, Germany. 

Alex Niemi is a writer and translator from French, Russian, and Spanish. She is the translator of For the Shrew by Anna Glazova (Zephyr Press) and The John Cage Experiences by Vincent Tholomé (Autumn Hill Books), as well as the author of the poetry chapbook Elephant (dancing girl press). She was the recipient of a 2023 NEA Translation Grant for her work on Anna Glazova's poetry.

  Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!

  The cover price of Hekate is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

Toad Press chapbooks are also available for purchase online at the Veliz Books store at 

Please select this option to purchase Word Heart, poems by Yaxkin Melchy, translate by Ryan Greene.

 Cover design: Niel Gan.
 Toad Press/Veliz Books, August 2023

 Yaxkin Melchy Ramos (Mexico City, b. 1985) is a Mexican and  Peruvian-Quechua poet, translator, ecopoetics researcher, bookmaker, and  artisan-activist-editor who writes primarily in Spanish. He is the  author of THE NEW WORLD, a five-part “constellation-book” which  was written intermittently between 2007 and 2017. Currently he is a  post-doctoral student at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, where he is  researching ecopoetic currents between Japan and Latin America. Since  2017, he has been translating contemporary Japanese poetry to Spanish,  and currently he runs the artisanal press Cactus del viento, which  focuses on ecological, spiritual, and transpacific poetics. He also  publishes on his personal blog, Flor de Amaneceres.

Ryan Greene  (AZ, b. 1994) is a translator, book farmer, and poet from Phoenix,  Arizona who is currently working with Yaxkin Melchy to translate the  first three books of THE NEW WORLD. He's a co-conspirator at F*%K IF I KNOW//BOOKS [] and a housemate at no.good.home [].  His translations include work by Elena Salamanca, Claudina Domingo, Ana  Belén López, Giancarlo Huapaya, and Yaxkin Melchy, among others. Since  2018, he has facilitated the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective  bookmaking workshops at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore. Like Collier, the  ground he stands on is not his ground.

 Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!
 The cover price of Word Heart is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

Toad Press chapbooks are also available for purchase online at the Veliz Books store at 

Please select this option to purchase Void Odyssey, a book-poem-performance by Renato Negrão, translated from the Brazilian Portuguese by Sarah Rebecca Kersley.

Cover design: Daniel Minchoni, with an illustration by Marcos Gom.
Toad Press/Veliz Books, December 2022

Renato Negrão (b. 1968, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), is a poet, composer, visual artist, performer, art-educator, and curator. His work focuses on poetic communication and contemporary art strategies as pedagogical tools. He has published seven books of poetry and has performed at festivals such as Arte Digital, Arte Negra, MIP– Manifestação Internacional de Performance, and Dissidents XXVI, among others. He has composed songs in partnership with a number of Brazilian contemporary musicians, and his work has appeared in translation in Spanish, French, German, and English. 

Sarah Rebecca Kersley is a translator, poet, and editor, originally from the UK and based in Brazil for nearly two decades. Her work has appeared in places such as Asymptote Journal, Denver Quarterly, Isele Magazine, Washington Square Review, and elsewhere. She co-runs Livraria Boto-cor-de-rosa/Paralelo13S, a bookshop and small press focused on contemporary literature, in the city of Salvador, where she is based.

Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!
The cover price of Void Odyssey is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

Please select this option to purchase The Seamstresses, creative nonfiction by Elena Poniatowska, translated from the Spanish by Rowena Galavitz.

Cover photograph, by Alejandro González Castillo, shows a mural in downtown Mexico City painted by Maldita Carmen.

Toad Press/Veliz Books, November 2022

Elena Poniatowska has lived most of her life in Mexico City, where she works as a writer and journalist. Writing in a variety of literary genres, Poniatowska has composed over 40 works documenting the history of women and the oppressed. Her most recognized novels include La noche de Tlateloloco, Nada, nadie: las voces del temblor, and Tinísima, all of which have been translated into English. Nada, nadie gives an account, in what has been called “testimonial polyphony,” of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. She has won numerous literary prizes, including the prestigious Cervantes Award, and she has received honorary doctoral degrees from over a dozen universities, among them, the New School for Social Research.

A former resident of Mexico City, Rowena Galavitz has translated Latin American art criticism, short stories, and poems, including the work of Pura López Colomé, Jair Cortés, Araceli Mancilla, and Víctor Vásquez Quintas. In 2018 she won runner-up for the World Literature Today Translation Prize for her translation of Paula Ilabaca Núñez’s La ciudad lucía. She is currently studying for a certificate in literary translation and a dual master’s degree in religious studies at Indiana University Bloomington. In her graduate studies, Galavitz focuses on Spanish-speaking convent writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Rowena is presently translating an award-winning novel by a contemporary Mexican writer.

Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!
The cover price of The Seamstresses is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

Please select this option to purchase In the Gloom on the Left, selections of Joyce Mansour, translated by Molly Bendall.

Joyce Mansour (1928-1986), of Egyptian origin, wrote primarily in French and was associated with the Surrealist movement. She published over a dozen collections of poetry, from 1953 through the 1980s. Her poems combine a feral eroticism along with a sly sense of humor, bringing a defiant new female voice to the latter stages of the Surrealist scene.

Molly Bendall is the author of five collections of poetry, including Watchful from Omnidawn Press and Under the Quick from Parlor Press. Omnidawn will also be publishing her next collection, Turncoat. Recent poems and reviews have appeared in Lana Turner, New American Writing, Tupelo Quarterly, Volt, LA Review of Books, and other journals. She teaches English and Creative Writing at the University of Southern California.

Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $11 shipping category.  Thanks!

The cover price of In The Gloom on the Left is $6, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

  Please select this option to purchase ONE of our chapbooks (published between 2004-2021) via credit card. Note your selection in the "title" category. 

Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $10 shipping category.

Available titles: 

  • Faith in Strangers (Katarzyna Szaulińska, trans. Mark Tardi)
  • The Cheapest France in Town (Seo Jung Hak, trans. Megan Sungyoon)
  • Codex of the Insane (Bronka Nowicka, trans. Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi)
  • A Musical Education (Yaki Setton, trans. Sergio Waisman)
  • The Absolute Reader (Miri Ben Simhon, trans. Lisa Katz)
  • For the Seals (Juan Manuel Sánchez, trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval & Ruth Llana)
  • The Meat Market (Shaheen Akhtar & Mashiul Alam, trans. Shabnam Nadiya)
  • Experimental Gardening Manual (Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, trans. Naomi Washer) 
  • Two Step (Jacques Jouet & Olivier Salon, trans. Emma Ramadan & Chris Clarke)
  • houses | stripped (Paola Loreto, trans. Lawrence Venuti)
  • Blue Birds and Red Horses (Inna Kabysh, trans. Katherine E. Young)
  • Poet Blood (Kim Kyung Ju, trans. Jake Levine)
  • shadowslongshoreman (José Daniel García, trans. Jesse Tangen-Mills)
  • The Night's Belly (Sara Tuss Efrik, trans. Paul Cunningham)
  • Tail of the Whale (Alice Sant'Anna, trans. Tiffany Higgins)
  • mainland (stinne storm, trans. stinne storm)
  • Anti-Ferule (Karen Wild Díaz, trans. Ron Paul Salutsky)
  • The Tears (Olivia Rosenthal, trans. Béatrice Mousli) 
  • Passenger ultrasound (Justyna Bargielska, trans. Katarzyna Szuster)
  • *Roly Poly (Victoria Estol, trans. Seth Michelson)
  • Every Good Heart Is a Telescope (Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, trans. Katherine M. Hedeen)
  • Eduardo Milan: Poems (Eduardo Milan, trans. Leora Fridman)
  • The Flying Head (Ioan Flora, trans. Adam J. Sorkin and Elena Borta)
  • *An Evening in Europe (Jorg Fauser, trans. Mark Terrill)
  • *Arctic Poems (Vicente Huidobro, trans. Nathan Hoks)
  • The Baden-Baden Lesson Play on Acquiescence (Bertolt Brecht, trans. Justin Vicari)
  • *Mercury Project (Grzegorz Wroblewski, trans. Adam Zdrowski)
  • Fernando de Rojas Asleep on His Own Hand (Rafael Ballesteros, trans. Steven J. Stewart)
  • *Woman Bathing Light to Dark (Paul Eluard, trans. Justin Vicari)
  • *Martial Artist (Martial, trans. George Held)


*limited quantities available; please query before ordering this title.


  Chapbooks are $5 each, plus $2 local shipping and fees or plus $5 overseas shipping and fees.

  Please select this option to purchase TWO of our chapbooks (published between 2004-2021) via credit card. Note your selections in the "title" category. 

 Note: If your mailing address is outside the US, choose the $17 category.

Available titles: 

Faith in Strangers (Katarzyna Szaulińska, trans. Mark Tardi)

The Cheapest France in Town (Seo Jung Hak, trans. Megan Sungyoon)

Codex of the Insane (Bronka Nowicka, trans. Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi)

A Musical Education (Yaki Setton, trans. Sergio Waisman) 

The Absolute Reader (Miri Ben Simhon, trans. Lisa Katz) 

For the Seals (Juan Manuel Sánchez, trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval & Ruth Llana) 

The Meat Market (Shaheen Akhtar & Mashiul Alam, trans. Shabnam Nadiya) 

Experimental Gardening Manual (Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, trans. Naomi Washer) 

Two Step (Jacques Jouet & Olivier Salon, trans. Emma Ramadan & Chris Clarke) 

houses | stripped (Paola Loreto, trans. Lawrence Venuti) 

Blue Birds and Red Horses (Inna Kabysh, trans. Katherine E. Young) 

Poet Blood (Kim Kyung Ju, trans. Jake Levine)

shadowslongshoreman (José Daniel García, trans. Jesse Tangen-Mills)

The Night's Belly (Sara Tuss Efrik, trans. Paul Cunningham)

Tail of the Whale (Alice Sant'Anna, trans. Tiffany Higgins)

mainland (stinne storm, trans. stinne storm)

Anti-Ferule (Karen Wild Díaz, trans. Ron Paul Salutsky)

The Tears (Olivia Rosenthal, trans. Béatrice Mousli) 

Passenger ultrasound (Justyna Bargielska, trans. Katarzyna Szuster)

*Roly Poly (Victoria Estol, trans. Seth Michelson)

Every Good Heart Is a Telescope (Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, trans. Katherine M. Hedeen)

Eduardo Milan: Poems (Eduardo Milan, trans. Leora Fridman)

The Flying Head (Ioan Flora, trans. Adam J. Sorkin and Elena Borta)

*An Evening in Europe (Jorg Fauser, trans. Mark Terrill)

 *Arctic Poems (Vicente Huidobro, trans. Nathan Hoks)

The Baden-Baden Lesson Play on Acquiescence (Bertolt Brecht, trans. Justin Vicari)

 *Mercury Project (Grzegorz Wroblewski, trans. Adam Zdrowski)

Fernando de Rojas Asleep on His Own Hand (Rafael Ballesteros, trans. Steven J. Stewart)

Woman Bathing Light to Dark (Paul Eluard, trans. Justin Vicari)

*Martial Artist (Martial, trans. George Held)

*limited quantities available; please query before ordering this title.


Chapbooks are $5 each + $3 local shipping and fees or + $7 overseas shipping and fees


  Please select this option to purchase THREE of our 2004-2021 chapbook titles via credit card. Note your selections in the "title" category.

 Note: US addresses only. If you'd like your 3 chapbooks mailed outside of the US, please email to query before making a purchase.

Available titles: 

  • Faith in Strangers (Katarzyna Szaulińska, trans. Mark Tardi)
  • The Cheapest France in Town (Seo Jung Hak, trans. Megan Sungyoon)
  • Codex of the Insane (Bronka Nowicka, trans. Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi)
  • A Musical Education (Yaki Setton, trans. Sergio Waisman) 
  • The Absolute Reader (Miri Ben Simhon, trans. Lisa Katz) 
  • For the Seals (Juan Manuel Sánchez, trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval & Ruth Llana)
  • The Meat Market (Shaheen Akhtar & Mashiul Alam, trans. Shabnam Nadiya)
  • Experimental Gardening Manual (Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, trans. Naomi Washer) 
  • Two Step (Jacques Jouet & Olivier Salon, trans. Emma Ramadan & Chris Clarke)
  • houses | stripped (Paola Loreto, trans. Lawrence Venuti) 
  • Blue Birds and Red Horses (Inna Kabysh, trans. Katherine E. Young) 
  • Poet Blood (Kim Kyung Ju, trans. Jake Levine)
  • shadowslongshoreman (José Daniel García, trans. Jesse Tangen-Mills)
  • The Night's Belly (Sara Tuss Efrik, trans. Paul Cunningham)
  • Tail of the Whale (Alice Sant'Anna, trans. Tiffany Higgins)
  • mainland (stinne storm, trans. stinne storm)
  • Anti-Ferule (Karen Wild Díaz, trans. Ron Paul Salutsky)
  • The Tears (Olivia Rosenthal, trans. Béatrice Mousli) 
  • Passenger ultrasound (Justyna Bargielska, trans. Katarzyna Szuster)
  • *Roly Poly (Victoria Estol, trans. Seth Michelson)
  • Every Good Heart Is a Telescope (Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, trans. Katherine M. Hedeen)
  • Eduardo Milan: Poems (Eduardo Milan, trans. Leora Fridman)
  • The Flying Head (Ioan Flora, trans. Adam J. Sorkin and Elena Borta)
  • *An Evening in Europe (Jorg Fauser, trans. Mark Terrill)
  • *Arctic Poems (Vicente Huidobro, trans. Nathan Hoks)
  • The Baden-Baden Lesson Play on Acquiescence (Bertolt Brecht, trans. Justin Vicari) 
  • *Mercury Project (Grzegorz Wroblewski, trans. Adam Zdrowski)
  • Fernando de Rojas Asleep on His Own Hand (Rafael Ballesteros, trans. Steven J. Stewart)
  • Woman Bathing Light to Dark (Paul Eluard, trans. Justin Vicari)
  • *Martial Artist (Martial, trans. George Held)

*limited quantities available; please query before ordering this title.


  Chapbooks are $5 each + $4 local shipping and fees 


Please select this option to purchase FOUR of our 2004-2021 chapbooks via credit card. Please note your title selections in the Title line.

Note: US addresses only. If you'd like your 4 chapbooks mailed outside of the US, please email to check before making a purchase.

Available titles: 

Faith in Strangers (Katarzyna Szaulińska, trans. Mark Tardi)

The Cheapest France in Town (Seo Jung Hak, trans. Megan Sungyoon)

Codex of the Insane (Bronka Nowicka, trans. Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi)

A Musical Education (Yaki Setton, trans. Sergio Waisman) 

The Absolute Reader (Miri Ben Simhon, trans. Lisa Katz)

For the Seals (Juan Manuel Sánchez, trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval & Ruth Llana) 

The Meat Market (Shaheen Akhtar & Mashiul Alam, trans. Shabnam Nadiya) 

Experimental Gardening Manual (Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, trans. Naomi Washer)

Two Step (Jacques Jouet & Olivier Salon, trans. Emma Ramadan & Chris Clarke)   

houses | stripped (Paola Loreto, trans. Lawrence Venuti)  

Blue Birds and Red Horses (Inna Kabysh, trans. Katherine E. Young) 

Poet Blood (Kim Kyung Ju, trans. Jake Levine)

shadowslongshoreman (José Daniel García, trans. Jesse Tangen-Mills)

The Night's Belly (Sara Tuss Efrik, trans. Paul Cunningham)

Tail of the Whale (Alice Sant'Anna, trans. Tiffany Higgins)

mainland (stinne storm, trans. stinne storm)

Anti-Ferule (Karen Wild Díaz, trans. Ron Paul Salutsky)

The Tears (Olivia Rosenthal, trans. Béatrice Mousli) 

Passenger ultrasound (Justyna Bargielska, trans. Katarzyna Szuster)

*Roly Poly (Victoria Estol, trans. Seth Michelson)

Every Good Heart Is a Telescope (Víctor Rodríguez Núñez, trans. Katherine M. Hedeen)

Eduardo Milan: Poems (Eduardo Milan, trans. Leora Fridman)

The Flying Head (Ioan Flora, trans. Adam J. Sorkin and Elena Borta)

*An Evening in Europe (Jorg Fauser, trans. Mark Terrill)

*Arctic Poems (Vicente Huidobro, trans. Nathan Hoks)

The Baden-Baden Lesson Play on Acquiescence (Bertolt Brecht, trans. Justin Vicari)

*Mercury Project (Grzegorz Wroblewski, trans. Adam Zdrowski)

Fernando de Rojas Asleep on His Own Hand (Rafael Ballesteros, trans. Steven J. Stewart)

Woman Bathing Light to Dark (Paul Eluard, trans. Justin Vicari)

*Martial Artist (Martial, trans. George Held)

*limited quantities available; please query before ordering this title.


  Chapbooks are $5 each + $6 local shipping and fees

Would you like a review copy of one of our forthcoming or recently published chapbooks? Great! We love it when people read and talk about literary translations.

We can currently send free review copies to addresses in the US only. If you reside outside the United States, please send us an email at to check on availability of e-copies for review. 


Note: Toad Press does not currently publish reviews. Use this form to request a review copy of a Toad Press chapbook; it's then up to you to write the review and find a home for it. 

Some print and online journals that might be interested in considering reviews of Toad Press titles include: 91st Meridian, Asymptote, Circumference, Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation, periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics, and Three Percent.

Toad Press